1. W. A. Mozart: Concert C-Major, 1st. and 2nd. Mov. with Cadenza
2. E. Bozza: Fantasie Pastorale
3. Orchestral studies:
L. v. Beethoven: Symphony No. 3, 2nd amd 3th. Mov.
J. Brahms: Concerto for Violin, 2nd. Mov.
G. Rossini: La Scala di Seta
I. Strawinski: Pulcinella
M. Ravel: Le tombeau de Couperin
P. Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4, 2nd and 3th Mov.
Where send the application
Please send your application to the email address info@sinfoniamasovia.pl. The application should contain: CV, photo (s) and optionally a link to your music recordings (not necessarily with the audition program)
Important information
The notification is not unequivocal. After processing the documents you have sent, we will contact you to confirm your participation in the audition.